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Drugs and Alcohol Addiction is a universal problem. There are several ways to overcome it.
Ecstasy Addiction

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), commonly known as Ecstasy, is the most popular club drug in the United States. Also known as Adam, Lover's Speed, and Clarity, it is a Schedule I synthetic, psychoactive drug that can produce both stimulant and mild sensory-altering effects. Ecstasy possesses chemical variations of the stimulants amphetamine or methamphetamine and a hallucinogen like mescaline.

The drug is originally synthesized in 1912 to be used as an appetite suppressant. In the late 1970s, a small group of therapists began using ecstasy to facilitate psychotherapy. It was in early 1990s people started using the drug illegally.

Ecstasy is widely distributed and abused at late-night parties known as "raves", nightclubs, and rock concerts. Abusers often take it in combination with other drugs. Ecstasy is available in tablet and powder forms. Normally, it is taken orally in tablets or capsules and the effects last four to six hours. There are reports that in some users it remains active for up to twelve hours. Sometimes the drug is snorted and occasionally smoked, but rarely injected.

Effects of Ecstasy

Ecstasy can affect the mind and body of an abuser. A relaxed cheerful mood and feelings, reduced concern, increased sensitivity and a high energy level are the positive effects of this drug. It suppresses appetite, thirst and the need to sleep.

Long term after-effects of ecstasy include nervousness, paranoia and gloominess. This can be attributed to the decreased serotonin levels found in the brain for up to three weeks after their last dose. Use of ecstasy may severely damage the neurons in the brain that transmit seratonin. Even recreational use of the drug can cause permanent damage and lead to depression, anxiety, memory loss, and neuropsychotic disorders.

Symptoms of Ecstasy Addiction

Nausea, cold sweats, chills, hallucinations, increased body temperature, teeth clenching, tremors, double vision and muscle cramps are the common symptoms of Ecstasy addiction. Sleep problems, anxiety, and blurred vision are also seen among Ecstasy addiction.


Assessing the addict and customizing a suitable treatment program are the first steps of the treatment. Process of detoxification and minimization of withdrawal symptoms come next. In-patient, out-patient, or residential care rehabilitation methods are widely used for the treatment of Ecstasy addicts.

Call us any time toll free at 1-800-559-9503 for addiction intervention and
one of our trained counselors will ensure attention to you or your loved one.
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Drug and alcohol addiction treatment and rehabilitation resources for recovery.